Meet Our Staff
Brit+ Carpenter
Robert+ Balfour
Joel Cook
+Sandy Greene
Lucy Rogers
Ruthie Buescher
Ann Guerrero
Colton Hawkins
Erin Keezer
Julie Malone
Leadership Team members: (back row) Steve Collins (Chair), Robert+ Balfour, Thornton Mu, Jed Morrison; (front row) Scott Barr, Elizabeth Hunnicutt, Leslie Kingman (Vice Chair), Brit+ Carpenter; (not pictured) Joey Guerrero (Treasurer)
Leadership Team
The Leadership Team serves among and within the Grace Leadership Community to steward the spiritual health and growth of the church by promoting the theological vision, and overseeing properties and finances. The Leadership Team consists of six elected lay members of Grace. Ordained clergy on staff at Grace (bishops, priests, and deacons) and the Treasurer, who is appointed by the Lead Pastor, serve as ex-officio (non-voting) members.