Vision & Beliefs

Grace is a Gospel community enjoying the presence of God, making disciples, and developing Kingdom leaders to live on mission. By connecting, worshipping, growing, and serving - we uphold the values of Jesus and continue His ministry in the power of the Holy Spirit.

We practice the Faith - demonstrating and declaring the Gospel through: authenticity, rest, humility, forgiveness, obedience, generosity, and prayer. For God's glory and with the Spirit's help, this is our passionate commitment as we belong and follow Jesus with Grace.

Grace upholds the Faith received and passed down by the historic Christian Church for centuries. We are passionate about the Father's radical love for the world; we embrace Jesus Christ and the fullness of new and eternal life found in His sacrificial death and glorious resurrection; we respond to the person and ministry of the Holy Spirit; and we are anchored in the Bible as the ultimate standard of life and faith.

A summary of our faith can be found in historic statements of the Church, including the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds, the Anglican 39 Articles, and our Theological Vision.