Welcome to Grace
Grace is a Gospel community enjoying the presence of God, making disciples, and developing Kingdom leaders to live on mission. We are all about loving God and loving one another. More than just a weekly worship gathering, we are a community that enjoys connecting, worshipping, growing, and serving together. We do so primarily in Life Groups.
Most of all, we hope to get to know you. Check out our next Party. Come to a Worship Gathering on Sundays at 10:00am - click for directions. See how we care for children by clicking on Nursery or Kids Worship. Check out our Student Ministry. Explore our Life Groups. Or sign up to serve.
Worship Style
Rooted in Ancient Faith, Relevant for Today
In a culture of changing styles and fading fads, the Grace Worship Gathering is anchored in the tried and true traditions and practices of Christian faith. Grace provides a weekly encounter with God through the Spirit, the Scripture, and the Sacraments - blending the best of the charismatic, evangelical, and sacred streams of the Church. Our worship gathering is joyful and reverent, rooted and relevant.
We call our order of worship liturgy (a Latin word meaning the work of the people). Our focus is God. We celebrate God's story and our place within it. The music is a blend of traditional hymns and the newest worship songs. Portions of the Bible are read aloud. Sermons are biblical and inspirational. There is time for reflection and prayer. Holy Communion is celebrated joyfully every week.
At the Grace worship gathering, ancient practices of the Christian faith meet contemporary application, and the timeless truth of the Gospel finds relevant expression in a powerful way. It engages the heart, mind, and soul in a weekly experience where God reaches down in love, communicates the benefits of Jesus' death and resurrection, and through the Holy Spirit, restores, reshapes, and reinvigorates our lives.
If liturgical worship is new to you, don't worry! You will be guided through the Worship Gathering with instructions on the screen.